Wednesday 19 January 2022

Pulling on the supply chain | Pest Management Professional



Perhaps one of the most surprising results we received when conducting our “Supply Chain Solutions Survey” among industry manufacturers and distributors for this month’s cover story was the diversity of predictions for “when will these current supply chain issues end?”

Five percent of respondents estimate the situation already was better before New Year’s Day. It’s worth noting, however, that these respondents’ raw materials are sourced locally, and thus are not affected by overseas shipments waiting at port, or for a tractor-trailer to be driven across the country after a dearth in available drivers.

On the other hand, 18 percent of respondents estimate there’s no end in sight. They may prove to be right — although as we learned in our follow-up interviews, and from our columnists who shared their insights on the supply chain situation, many folks already have looked for workarounds and alternatives to get the materials and equipment they need.

Nearly half of those responding to our survey predict December 2022 will mark the end of most of our industry’s current material shortages, shipping delays and related price hikes. See our cover story for tips from suppliers and pest control pros on overcoming these mounting supply chain obstacles.

The post Pulling on the supply chain appeared first on Pest Management Professional.

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