Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Bug Humanitarian Award: Sphinx Moth rescued at drive through

Subject:  Sphinx Moth ? Maybe ??
Geographic location of the bug:  Titusville Florida
Date: 05/05/2021
Time: 06:20 AM EDT
Your letter to the bugman:  Photos of a gorgeous moth I think might be a Sphinx Moth
Rescued from a bully in a fast food drive thru hahaha
I sent a previous comment telling the story:  “I spotted a sphinx moth in titusville florida today may 6 2021. It was on a drive thru sign under the florescent lights.  I was waiting my turn to pay and saw that the driver of the car in line behind me, he was saw it too and seemed to be trying to kill the moth by try by swinging a old paper at it, reaching out their car window…
So I said Hey! Don’t do that, it isn’t harming you! And then I drove back around and got it off the post and relocated it to a nearby tree.  I have pictures I can share if you wish.”
I just couldn’t let it be killed for no reason at all so I put it on a nearby tree
( It was approximately 530am so I think it can get itself hidden before the birds get woken up & and the birds go looking for bugs to eat )
How you want your letter signed:  Tee Holden

Rescued Streaked Sphinx

Dear Tee,
We love your story and we pasted together your comment and your submission so our readers have have the entire story of how you saved this Streaked Sphinx from a bully at a drive through.  Because of your heroism, we are awarding you the Bug Humanitarian Award for the first time in well over a year and a half.  May we just add that the color scheme on your images is awesome.  It has been even longer that we have tagged a posting as a Buggy Accessory, but the moth and your purple nail polish is a fetching combination. And just because we can, we are also displaying your posting on our scrolling feature bar.

Streaked Sphinx

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